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Who am I?

Hello my name is Xena Hewett and I'm a 18 year old, who was born in Bristol UK and raised in Weston-Super-Mare (a small sea side town popular with tourists)


A little about me and my childhood... 

I am the youngest of 5 children I have two brother and two sisters.

At the age of 3 I started gymnastic and I have been doing it ever since (14 years)I am currently an international level gymnast and have competed in many countries including Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. I compete for a club called Weston Aerobic Gymnastics.


I am passionate about Photography and after finishing school have recently decided to take a level 3 course in the subject at Weston college. I chose photography as one of my GCSE's and fell in love, I have always enjoyed art, design, drawing and expressing myself in any way possible however I never found the right fit. Im not the best drawer even though I have ideas and messages behind those idea I was never happy with the outcome of my art work, until I found photography.

Not only is it a great was to express myself and portray important ideas and messages it is also more fun. I enjoy capturing a moment that might one day have been forgotten but now will live on due to one image; I also love making images and constructing a scene or setting to really create thoughts and feelings within the viewers head. cause question. create mystery. 

I thoroughly enjoy looking in depth at other people work, finding the larger meaning behind an image. you know the when? what? why? how?

editing photographs is also one of my favourite things, manipulating reality with a simple click of a button or just improving a not so good photo.


see below my Instagram feed.

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